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    FDA 結果共579筆

  • Taiwan acts on red yeast rice health scare

    Taipei (TVBS News) reports that Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken action after businesses reported using red yeast rice raw materials from Japan’s Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, linked to kidney disease. Preventive measures have been taken, with products removed from shelves. FDA Director-General Wu Hsiu-mei oversees the situation to safeguard consumer safety.
    2024/03/28 17:57
  • Japan’s deaths linked to red yeast rice products rise to 4

    Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s red yeast rice health food products have been linked to four deaths in Japan, with over 100 hospitalizations reported. Taiwan’s FDA is urging businesses to report affected products to ensure food safety.
    2024/03/28 14:44
  • Taiwan’s FDA investigates deadly food poisoning case

    A suspected mass food poisoning incident at a vegetarian restaurant in Taipei’s Xinyi District has left one person dead and eight others ill, according to Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration. Wu Shou-mei, Director-General of the FDA, stated that three victims are in serious condition. The incident occurred at Polam Kopitiam in the Far Eastern Department Store’s Xinyi A13 branch. Authorities are investigating the cause and testing food samples from the restaurant.
    2024/03/27 13:45
  • 美12種「高農藥殘留」髒蔬果 草莓、櫻桃和四季豆皆上榜

    美國政府2024年的「農產品農藥消費者指南」(2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce)顯示,約有95%比例的非有機草莓、葉菜類(如菠菜和羽衣甘藍)、葡萄、桃子和梨子,都被檢測出有農藥殘留。除此之外,還有像是蘋果、辣椒、櫻桃、藍莓和四季豆等餐桌上常見的蔬果,也都被列入所謂的「12種髒污蔬果」名單中。這個名單從2004年開始發行,每年經過實測調查後,找出12種農藥殘存量最高的常見農產品。
    2024/03/22 13:52
  • Taiwan premier apologizes for Sudan Red dye scandal

    Premier Chen Chien-jen issues a public apology on behalf of the FDA over Sudan Red dye in chili powder. Efforts to address the issue ongoing. Chen pledges to rectify the problem and improve sampling inspection methods.
    2024/03/15 18:19
  • 美流感疫苗更新!將剔除消失四年的「山形株B流抗體」

    2024/03/07 19:55
  • 顱微電流刺激療法 微電流夾耳傳腦 治療文明病新招

    2024/02/28 18:37
  • Taiwan halts chili powder imports amid carcinogen scare

    Taipei’s FDA suspends chili powder imports from 21 Chinese suppliers for three months due to health concerns. The powder tested positive for Sudan III, a banned substance, prompting a recall of contaminated products. Sudan III is classified as a possibly carcinogenic substance by the WHO. The FDA warns that adding Sudan III to food violates food safety laws and could lead to severe penalties.
    2024/02/21 13:34
  • 日本客機起飛後出狀況 「機輪無法收起」緊急折返

    2024/02/18 16:43
  • Taichung pork tests positive for lean meat powder: FDA

    Taiwan’s FDA confirms detection of Cimbuterol in pork sample from Taichung, with trace levels at 0.001ppm. Public urged not to worry as only one package tested positive and levels are very low. Further test results to be released after the holiday.
    2024/02/07 11:39
  • Taiwan FDA clears TaiSugar pork of cimbuterol concerns

    Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that no traces of the drug Cimbuterol were found in TaiSugar’s frozen pork slice products. The Taichung City Government previously reported the presence of 0.002ppm of Cimbuterol in pork cuts manufactured by TaiSugar. However, the Ministry of Agriculture disputed this claim, stating that tests on both pig hair from the farm of origin and samples from the same batch of pork products were negative for beta-agonists. Wang Der-yuan, the FDA deputy director, emphasized that Cimbuterol is not approved for use in humans or animals and is primarily used as a standard sample in laboratories. The FDA conducted examinations of three samples of TaiSugar’s pork products using the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s protocol for testing veterinary drug residues, and the results showed no traces of Cimbuterol.
    2024/02/05 13:18
  • Taiwan detects pesticide in Japanese strawberry imports

    A shipment of strawberries from Saitama, Japan has been found to have excessive pesticide residue, according to Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The imported strawberries, weighing a total of 3.5 kilograms, exceeded permitted pesticide levels. Deputy Director of the FDA, Lin Chin-fu, stated that all imported Japanese strawberries undergo 100% customs inspection. From July 15, 2023 to January 15, 2024, 2.3 metric tons of Japanese strawberries were discovered to contain pesticide residue. Out of 325 batches inspected, 14 failed the inspection, resulting in a failure rate of 4.31%. Since June 1, 2023, all shipments of strawberries from Japan to Taiwan have been subjected to batch-by-batch inspections. Japanese manufacturers failing inspections will face a one-month import suspension.
    2024/01/23 14:59
  • 美強生召回嬰兒配方奶粉 疑遭細菌污染

    根據美強生營養品公司(Mead Johnson Nutrition, 簡稱MJN)自主公告,該公司已在美國召回部分安敏捷低敏奶粉產品。這項召回行動的原因是,產品在美國以外地區,可能受到阪崎腸桿菌(Cronobacter sakazakii)的污染。
    2024/01/02 09:37
  • FDA increases inspection on Japan-imported strawberries

    Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified two batches of Japanese strawberries as non-compliant due to pesticide residue issues. The strawberries, imported from Fukuoka and Tochigi, failed to pass border inspections and will now undergo 100 percent batch inspection. Out of the 1,084 batches of Japanese strawberries inspected this year, 19 were found to be non-compliant, accounting for a rate of 1.75 percent. The FDA will continue to conduct thorough inspections until April 30, 2024, to ensure compliance with pesticide residue regulations.
    2023/12/26 19:48
  • 減重聖品市場供不應求 FDA沒收數千假「網紅減肥針」

    由藥廠諾和諾德(Novo Nordisk)研發、本用來調節胰島素的藥物胰妥讚(Ozempic),因為能減重的副作用讓這款藥物一舉爆紅,一上市就引起討論。但《路透》報導,美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)日前卻查獲,數千支偽造版的減肥針產品,利用相似外包裝魚目混珠,讓消費者難以辨別真偽。FDA在聲明中提醒,不要從非官方或陌生通路購買藥物,因為冒牌藥物無論在成份或使用的針頭都來源不明,一旦使用很可能引發後遺症,目前雖已沒收數千支偽造藥品,但市面上可能還有偽造藥物在流通。
    2023/12/23 10:01
  • 美國桂格燕麥爆沙門氏菌汙染!台灣桂格澄清:生產線無關聯

    2023/12/18 16:27
  • FDA destroys 2kg of Japanese green tea powder at border

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that two kilograms of green tea powder imported from Japan were destroyed at the border due to trace amounts of radioactive cesium-137. The batch’s cesium-137 levels were within the acceptable limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram, but the FDA emphasized the importance of ethical practices and urged businesses to adhere to them. The FDA tested the batch on October 31 and found 3 becquerels per kg of cesium-137 and 3 becquerels per kg of cesium-134 plus cesium-137. Since last year, food from five prefectures of Fukushima, Japan, has been imported to Taiwan, provided it meets radiation and origin inspection requirements. The FDA’s regulations for cesium-134 and cesium-137 levels in various food categories are based on the "Standards for the Tolerance of Atomic Dust and Radioactivity Contamination in Foods." From 2011 to 2023, Taiwan has tested 224,970 batches of Japanese food, with 252 samples showing trace radioactivity that did not exceed national or Japanese standards.
    2023/11/22 19:45
  • 美國22幼兒「鉛中毒」上吐下瀉 全因蘋果泥釀禍

    2023/11/14 16:20
  • 印度廠「赤腳生產」眼藥水 美FDA急下架:恐致失明

    美國食品與藥物管理局(FDA)上個月30日下令召回26款眼藥水,並稱這批藥水在生產過程「存在被細菌感染」的風險,而詳細原因近日曝光:這些眼藥水是在印度1家不衛生的工廠生產,據稱工人們在工廠內「赤腳」、甚至以假衛生檢測報告來讓產品看似安全,最終更掛著知名連鎖藥妝CVS Health、連鎖賣場Target以及沃爾瑪(Walmart)等廠牌進到市面販售。
    2023/11/13 11:20
  • 疑有細菌感染危險損視力 美FDA召回26款眼藥水

    2023/10/31 09:58
  • 秋冬病毒蠢蠢欲動 美傳嬰兒RSV抗體不夠

    2023/10/27 19:54
  • TVBS《FOCUS世界新聞》x《科學人雜誌》首支RSV疫苗出爐

    2023/10/20 15:39
  • Taiwan tests pork for ractopamine after mislabeled incident

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discovered a food company in Taoyuan City that dishonestly labeled pork from the U.S. as being from Canada. The company claimed that an oversight in modifying shipping invoices led to the mistaken labeling.
    2023/10/16 10:53
  • Taiwan FDA: No drug shortages amid Israel-Palestine conflict

    Taiwan FDA assures ample medication supply amid global concerns over Israeli-Palestinian conflict’s impact. Insights from Deputy Director-General Chen Hui-fang and pharmacist Huang Yen-ju. Stay updated on crisis responses and more.
    2023/10/11 19:29
  • No ractopamine pork in Taiwan, says Taiwan’s FDA

    FDA Deputy Director confirms no ractopamine pork in Taiwan. All imported pork inspected at borders has passed without ractopamine detection. No incidents of ractopamine pork were found in over 12,000 inspections as two companies will face penalties for mislabeling imported meats.
    2023/10/05 21:02
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